GLOC FL-80AX Evaporative Stamping Fluid
$ 110.00 USD
Regular price $ 110.00 USD Sale
GLOC FL-80AX EVAPORATIVE STAMPING FLUID is a evaporative light duty stamping fluid using the latest chlorine free technology. This product is designed for use on ferrous applications and is an exceptional product that contains Lubricity additives to protect tooling and leaves minimal residue upon drying. Its additive package will not interfere with post machining operations such as welding or painting which can eliminate the need for a wash step in the production process.
• Light transparent color and low odor properties.
• Increased tool life.
• Chlorine and Ester Free, PVC Friendly
• Better finish on parts.
• Corrosion/rust protection of parts and machine.
The outstanding physical characteristics of this product coupled with the cost/performance function ratio justifies looking at replacing you light duty stamping fluid.